Απευθύνεται σε μαθήτριες και μαθητές του Λυκείου,Πραγματεύεται τις κοινές διαπιστώσεις παρατηρητή όταν βρεθεί μέσα σε κινούμενο ανελκυστήρα ή μέσα σε βαρυτικό πεδίο. Παραγγελία στο email: gakon67(at)hotmail.com


 First lesson must have nothing more than an experiment and the pleasure to watch it!!!


This an experiment called gyroskope!! This helps the missile and the tank to not lose their direction.
 You can use it for not losing any direction.

Το γυροσκόπιο έχει εφαρμογή στους πυραυλους για να διατηρήσουν τον προσανατολισμό τους, στα κινούμενα τανκ για να μη 'χάσουν' τον στόχο τους , στους μέτρο-πόντικες για να χαράξουν σταθερή πορεία.


Crookes radiometer : the vanes rotate when exposed to light, with faster rotation for more intense light, providing a quantitative measurement of electromagnetic radiation intensity. This energy from the sun is becoming kinetic. This idea can be seen at the solar sail of a spacecraft.  The radiometer was invented by Daniel Dunglas Home  (March 20, 1833 – June 21, 1886) who  was a Scottishphysical medium with the reported ability to levitate to a variety of heights.



Adiabatic process 

Lesson for Electricity in the laboratory!

Oh!!! The instrument is in dangerous!!!



Currents bound inside the atoms of strong magnets can create counter-rotating currents in a copper or aluminum pipe. This is done by dropping the magnet through the pipe. When done, the descent of the magnet is observably slower than when dropped outside the pipe.



A bottle swinging from a string is an oscillator. If

the bottle is filled with water and the water is allowed

to escape through a small hole in the base, and then

the person swinging the bottle walks backward, a lovely

sine wave appears on the ground (see cover photo).

The amplitude and length of this wave can be readily

measured, thus solidifying these concepts in students’

minds. These properties change if the person walks

faster, if the string is longer or shorter, or if the person

swings with more or less vigor.

Conservation of angular momentum

Can you say which egg is raw?

The angular momentum

Something is going wrong with the conservation of angular momentum!!!

All we know that, when an object is rotating about an axis tends to remain rotating about the same axisq unless interfered with by some external influance ( torque).

 Thermal effects of electricity

When the current passes trough thin wires , the wires are being melt.

Good teaching isn't providing answers- It's asking good questions!



Free Fall

The left bottle is filled with water and the right bottle is almost empty!!!

No child left behind

Πυκνότητα (Density) - Πλεύση

Γιατί το παγάκι στο δεύτερο ποτήρι βυθίζεται;
Can you explain, why the ice in the second cup goes to the bottom?

Alternative Ideas

-It depence on the temperature of the liquid.
-It depence on the shape of the ice. 

hey teacher.... it was really my pleasure to learn something frm u. and thnx for that. i will be waiting for the next time we hav a conversation. but for now ..,bye bye.( Student from Bongaigaon,India)

oh yeah cool experiments thank u sir for sharing with me :). (Student from Nepal)

I saw it, that's amazing, i thought there was sth in the water...but the description was quite little...
so, how did you do it? and why?....
...Sure. thx for telling anyway :-).(Student from Cambodia)

wow, how you do it? Has the second cup  water from the sea? ( Student from France)

ho,they are good,but the problem is the language i have understand it,but my firend, no.
Thanks.The experiments are really impressive. (Student from Nante, France).

It is supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy

in creative expression and knowledge.


This an experiment called gyroskope!! This helps the missile and the tank to not lose their direction.
 You can use it for not losing any direction.

Το γυροσκόπιο έχει εφαρμογή στους πυραυλους για να διατηρήσουν τον προσανατολισμό τους, στα κινούμενα τανκ για να μη 'χάσουν' τον στόχο τους , στους μέτρο-πόντικες για να χαράξουν σταθερή πορεία.


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